
660001=Saveandrestorethepositionsoficons.DesktopOKisasmallbuteffectivesolutionforuserthathavetochangethescreenresolutionoften.660002=I'm ...,2024年6月4日—Review:Usefulutilitysoftwarethatallowsuserstosaveandrestoretheirdesktopiconlayoutsonmultiple...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Save your favorite icon locations for each screen ...

660001=Save and restore the positions of icons. DesktopOK is a small but effective solution for user that have to change the screen resolution often. 660002=I'm ...


2024年6月4日 — Review: Useful utility software that allows users to save and restore their desktop icon layouts on multiple monitors and resolutions. Freeware ...

DesktopOK v11.24 繁體中文版

2024年6月4日 — Launch at Windows startup. ◇ Portable Windows app. ◇ Each user can then have his own arrangement. ◇ Run in to tray area for easy access.

DesktopOK v11.24 - 儲存及恢復桌面圖示排列的免費軟體

DesktopOK 是一款方便易用的可攜式免費軟體,可讓您儲存及恢復桌面圖示排列,支援Windows 7/8/10/11。您可先將桌面圖示重新排列成自己喜歡的樣子之後再做儲存的動作。


2013年11月22日 — DesktopOK Portable - Save and restore the positions of icons. DesktopOK is a small but effective solution for user that have to change the ...

DesktopOK 11.24 Save and restore the desktop ...

Save and restore the positions of the Windows Desktop Icons. a small effective solution for user that have to change the screen resolution!


2010年8月7日 — 如果你暫時不需要某個視窗,不過待會還要用到,你可以利用「Tools」->「Windows」中的「As an icon in the system tray」功能將該視窗縮小到系統匣中。

DesktopOK Download Free

2024年6月3日 — Download DesktopOK - Save and restore the positions of icons. DesktopOK also offers as a small but effective solution for user that have to ...


660001=Saveandrestorethepositionsoficons.DesktopOKisasmallbuteffectivesolutionforuserthathavetochangethescreenresolutionoften.660002=I'm ...,2024年6月4日—Review:Usefulutilitysoftwarethatallowsuserstosaveandrestoretheirdesktopiconlayoutsonmultiplemonitorsandresolutions.Freeware ...,2024年6月4日—LaunchatWindowsstartup.◇PortableWindowsapp.◇Eachusercanthenhavehisownarrangement.◇Runintotrayareafore...

DesktopOK 11.49 桌面圖示永遠不怕亂

DesktopOK 11.49 桌面圖示永遠不怕亂
